Wednesday, September 28, 2011

News Roundup

   1.      The satellite that some worried would fall onto land was reported by Nasa to be found in the south part of the pacific ocean.  Satellite Article
    2.      On the latest episode of Two and a Half Men, Ashton Kutcher had a scene where he was using a laptop and he decided on his own to place advertisement stickers on the front of the laptop. The network execs were not happy about this because Kutcher was promoting companies he has invested in. Whole Story
    3.      On October 4th Apple is planning on having a press conference to introduce the iPhone 5. iPhone Details

4.      Odyssey Marine Exploration announced that they have discovered a British cargo ship that contained over 700 million ounces of silver. Video and Article

5.      Walter Payton, one of the greatest running backs of all time is about to have a book released on his life and apparently there are some shocking details to be revealed. ESPN article

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