Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sandusky, could you look any worse?

Jerry Sandusky , the former Penn State defensive coordinator who now is being accused of being a pedophile and has 40 different charges against him for many sexual acts with boys of ages 7-14. Last night, Sandusky went on air to have a telephone interview with Bob Costas with hopes to help his case that he is innocent. I believe it is safe to say that Sandusky made himself look no better and a lot worse than before this interview. The man claims to have showered with them and only "touching there legs" and "horsing around" in the shower. Which makes me wonder how can he believe that he did nothing wrong with these young boys if he was naked horsing around with 10 year olds in the shower!? An assistant coach claims to have witnessed him raping another child. The fact that this coach did nothing about it is a completely different story. One more note on the interview, one of the last questions Costas asked him was whether or not he was sexually attracted to young boys, Sandusky paused for a second then reiterated the question, paused again then says "no I am not sexually attracted to them. I love children." To me this man couldnt seem any more guilty but that will be resolved in court. This story has the feeling that more and more is going to keep coming out on this story only making it worse. The process is just getting started.ESPN link

In class Workshop

In class last week we split into groups and interviewed each other trying to get a better understanding on how to conduct an interview. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to interview Mayra Feliciano. We touched on a lot of basic topics such as her hobbies, what she wants to gain out this class. But the one question that really got our interview going was when I asked her what she likes to do outside of school. Mayra has a strong passion for civil rights. She puts together weekly open meetings throughout Tucson. In these meetings topics discussed are discussed as an open forums. I was impressed with how much knowledge she has and all the steps she has taken on her own to be at this point. After school, Mayra hopes to go into civil rights field and wants to defend and protect those that need the help. I very much enjoyed my interview with Mayra.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Will we have an NBA Season?

According to the owners, the NBA players association has one day left to accept the owners offer of a 50-50 split on revenue. However, the players must decide whether or not they believe the owners will not accept any offer better than 50-50 for the players after wednesday. My thoughts on the situation is that the owners are lying and that they would accept a different offer after Wednesday. I believe that they are just trying to strong arm the players into a deal because the players are starting to miss paychecks. Michael Jordan, the owner of the Charlette Bobcats seems to be starting to take control for the owners and kind of leading them against the players. I find this unusual because Michael Jordan is a former player so I would have thought that he would be more beneficial to the players and siding with them to help smooth this process over and get a deal done. Then again I guess Michael Jordan can never have enough money. Article+Video