Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Day in the Life of the Paparazzi

This story is about a journalist who follows around this guy Wagner, who is a paparazzi. Before reading this article my thoughts on the paparazzi were the same as most people's which is they are inconsiderate, rude, and don't let celebrities live a normal life. When in reality, the only reason these people have jobs is because we want the dirt and stories about celebrities. The paparazzi is only doing their job. They are just trying to make a living. Yes there are times when some go over the top and cross that line but in most cases the celebrities are not being bothered, they are just having multiple photographers snap their photo. The one question I have after reading this article is how much celebrities actually don't like the paparazzi because it seems like some might enjoy them taking their photos while they are out in public. Whole Story

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